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Another pickup dilemma haha


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{censored} these pickups are messing me up this week.


So I got the V from my friend, just couldn't wait until tomorrow. I will make a proper NGD thread with pics later.


But here's the {censored}ing dilemma:


When I tried it at his house I thought the Alternative 8 was {censored}. Well, turns out it sounds great through my rig. It's thick, but with good definition, crazy liquid sustain and almost a neck pickup-y lead tone, I {censored}in love it. The palm mutes sound good through my rig too, I just had to adjust the 9-band GEQ a bit on the amp. No big deal.


Now I had already bought the D-Activator without even trying the guitar through my rig, because I love to jump the gun and I have no patience. Fine, no breaking news there.


I am really curious whether or not I will like the D-Activator on this guitar but honestly I never heard one in person. The thing is, with pickups, if you open the box and install the pickup, you can't return it.




should I try it anyway and take the risk of not liking it and having to sell it at a loss?




Should I just return it and call it a day since the guitar sounds great as is?




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I read where Joe Bonamassa confessed to never doing anything to a guitar that sounds good. He says if it has the tone you are looking for leave it alone. He was referring specifically to pickup swapping.


I know it is a different style of playing, but I agree. When I think of all the guitars that I ended up swapping pickups in and out of I realize I now own none of them. :)


The ones I do love to play have the pickups in them that they came with. I sometimes think that we as tone-chasers sometimes don't know when to leave well-enough alone. We end up improving something to the point that we don't like it.... or we improve it because it is missing that special something and then realize that that special something cannot be about JUST a pickup or a pickup swap.

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I generally won't modify a guitar that I think sounds great. Only exception, maybe, would be when lots of people have the same guitar and most of them claim that a mod makes it better. (E.g., I love the Air Norton neck pickup, but most people who have switched it out for a Liquifire like the Liquifire even more.) So, if I were in your shoes, I'd return the D-Activator and do something else with the money.

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