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EVH 5153 50 Watt - Whoa. Nelly.

Junk Yard Dog

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Love it. I'm playing it through my Lone Star Strat (1997) with a Duncan Custom5 and Van Zandt SC's. Mind you, all of this is after only 30 minutes of play and very little EQ'ing. I just rocked the bajesus out of it. LOUD. Got both volumes up to about 11oclock.


The cab is a Splawn 2x12 with Hellatone 30s. I'm not sure how much I like these speakers. More on that in a second.


Clean: LOVE IT! Best clean channel I've ever had (Budda SD30II and Voodoo Deluxe Mod DSL). Spanky as funk. My single coils sound REALLY bright through this amp and cab. Crank the gain to 10 on the clean channel and you have a nice overdrive, but it's not as much. AC/DC for sure!


Crunch: I thought this would have a bit more drive to it, but maybe I have not EQ'd it right just yet. Yes, there's PLENTY of gain for a "crunch" channel. I think I'm so used to boosting my crunch channels to tighten them up and get a bit more grit. This does not have "that" sound without a boost, but damn close. Enough gain for heavy rhythm and lead. If you EQ this channel exactly the same as the Lead channel (3), this one seems to have a bit more girth, but you can easily EQ 3 to have as much. I'm not finding this channel very tight, but it has a rich, raw sound to it.


Lead: Tight, mean, rich, TONS of gain, somewhat smooth, but it CAN BE RAW! I hear some say the Peavey's were more raw, but this to me is just as. You can hear that it is somewhat "refined" as some say, but make no mistake it has balls. I can't really use the Resonance on the back with this cab on this channel. It's just too much. PLENTY of lows on this amp, overall, but I could feel it more with this channel. AIC, Metallica, Pantera riffs were just heavenly.


Resonance: WOW! Don't let anyone tell you this thing doesn't thump. My Splawn is a deep cab, so it does seem a bit "woofy", but it still thumps hard. I love this feature.


Volume Diff. b/t Clean and Cruch: Yup, it's there, but it doesn't bother me. I never use a clean channel, though now I might! I always roll off my volume's guitar to get my clean's and it works great. This amp cleans up so well.


Splawn Cab: for $400 used in PRISTINE condition, I'm happy with it. Big, looks and sounds great VERTICAL!! I'm very happy with how it sounds vertical. Good bargain. If I decide to upgrade, I will, but don't feel the need now.


With the Hellatone 30's: Here's where I'm not sold. I know they are worn in G12H 30 Anniversary's, but once you get the volume up to about 11oclock, they seem to get a bit screechy and lose some detail. Sounds great at the lower volumes, but I think I do hear a bit of fizz or just too much breakup or gain or something. I might look at WGS Reaper 50 or Invader. Not sure. Any advice on this??


Boost Pedal: I have not used a boost, and my Keeley SD-1 has crapped out on me, so I need a new boost. Any suggestions on a good boost for this amp? Just to tighten it up for leads and stuff? Maybe to tighten up the Crunch channel (2).


Solo Boost: I plan to run a Boss GE-7 EQ pedal for lead boosts OR I'll just hang on channel 2 with a boost and use channel 3 for lead boosts.


I'll post more later. I am so excited!! I sound very gay, I'm sure (not that there's anything wrong with that!). So far this is EXACTLY what I expected with this amp and I'm sure as time goes on my expectations will be exceeded!



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Anybody using it or used it live? Read some complaints that it gest buried kind of easily. There are some used ones from time and it seems like a good concept (and to be honest really lightweigh to hurl around primarly).

Yup, I used mine last weekend for the first time along with a EVH cab 4X12 and no getting buried here :)

Honestly, it was some of the best tone I've ever had. The cab plays a big part mind you.

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It wouldn't surprise me if someone is getting buried with the matching cabs with g12h30s, as it is a kind of scooped sounding speaker. The ones with greenbacks probably cut more with that punchy mid range.

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I have determined I do not like the Hellatone 30's at high volumes. I cranked this amp up halfway and the Hellatone 30's in my Splawn 2x12 seem to get too gritty/fizzy/piercing.


For those who don't know, the Hellatone 30s are broken in Celestion G12H 30 Anniversary's; the same exact speaker the EVH 2x12's come with, so...hmmmm


The amp has a GREAT EQ range and my pickups seem to be so much clearer in every position. I love the cleans on this amp.


I'm on a budget, so I'm looking at WGS. They recommended a Vet30 and ET65, where the Vet30 is not as bright as the Invader or Reaper (like a Hellatone), they handle more watts, and the ET65 is a darker more balanced speaker. I was thinking the higher wattage GB, the Invader mixed with a Vet30. I don't want super bright speaker, b/c the amps presence can add so much already. I want more control at the higher volume.



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I've used my 50 watter live in a rock/country setting and in my death metal band.


I use Diezel 4x12's with V30's, but it doesn't get buried at all if you set it right. It actually cuts a little better/easier than the 100 watter due to the 50 having a more "present" voicing. I can up the presence on the 100 watt and get there, too, but the 50 in general seems like a brighter amp a bit.

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I've used my 50 watter live in a rock/country setting and in my death metal band.

I use Diezel 4x12's with V30's, but it doesn't get buried at all if you set it right. It actually cuts a little better/easier than the 100 watter due to the 50 having a more "present" voicing. I can up the presence on the 100 watt and get there, too, but the 50 in general seems like a brighter amp a bit.



How high are you getting the volume? I'm getting up to almost halfway on on 2 and 3 and I have to dial everything back quite a bit, which makes me think I need higher wattage speakers to handle the frequencies a bit better.

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I've not had to use my 50 past around 11:00 (that would be 4 maybe?). I don't dial anything back. But a 240/280 watt Vintage30 loaded cab I would hope would handle it just fine. If you are looking to go with Warehouse, I'd say try the Vet 30's. I used to have 2 identical cabs, one with vintage 30's, one with Veteran 30's. The Vets sounded every bit as good as the Vintage 30's, with maybe just a hair less of the icepick high mids some claim V30's have.


I'm a vintage 30/vet 30 fan though, so ymmv...

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