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Avatar 2x12


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Right now i have a peavey classic 30 combo and i plan on buying an avatar 2x12 cab with a v30 and a g12h30. My question is i know i need an 8 ohm cab for the peavey but in the future i plan on using the cab with a head. Since im not sure how many ohms the head is that im gonna get i wanted to get the avatar multi jack input which is 4 and 16 ohms mono, and 8 ohms stereo. Is there any way to run my peavey through the 8  ohm stereo input on the avatar cab or do i have to get just an 8 ohm cab.

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If it were me...I'd go ahead and plan for the future...get the cab you THINK you'll want later. I do advise caution though....I mean...what makes you think that cab with those speakers will work for whatever head you buy later?

Like Cirrus says...you can still run the one speaker in the cab at 8 ohms with the Peavey...a temporary situtation, I'd assume. With the combo speaker and ext cab speaker....it should sound okay. Probably better than okay.


With your cab having different speakers...how do you plan to mic and mix it in the PA/DAW?

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Doesn't avatar make it to be whatever ohms you want it to be though? I know Carvin does. If you order a 2x12 by carvin you can choose your speakers and how many ohms the speakers are. So, you could get v30's or any ohter speakers and get what ohms you need.


I just got one myself and went for the 8ohm as that's mostly what I play.

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