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Electronica/Dub duo looking for vocals

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As can be seen by my posts I'm new to this forum and I presume this would be the right place to ask (If not could you please point me in the right direction)


But yes anyway, down to business.

Me and a friend are looking for a vocalist that is willing to provide us with a vocal track that they have recorded (of their own lyrics) that they would be willing for us to make a dubstep track with. Obviously for anyone whoo listens to Dubstep they will understand that not much of the vocal is used but none the less we're looking for talented vocalists that would allow us to use there tracks without holding any copyright to it.


Obviously we would show you the track before posting it and credit you for the vocals (always good advertising)

Anywhere here is a link to a track that the other half of the partnership has remixed *-toxiK*



Thanks in advance

Hope to hear from some of you


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Harry, really like the track. I am interested in what you are doing and would be well up for sending you some vocal trax. I'm currently recording an album for release on my website, and have released 2 tracks as a single to precede the album. My stuff is varied, but there are lots of vocal parts so you might find something to use. I was hoping to do some dub stuff with a mate after I finish the album anyway, so I'd be interested to see what you guys come up with.

You can check out the 2 tracks on my site:


I'm also on SoundCloud: simoon-3

I only joined SC and this forum today, so maybe it's a lucky day.

If you're not interested, still keep me posted as to what your doing.


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Cool! If you pull this off, make sure to come back to this thread and include a link so we can hear the results.


You might be surprised at how many collaborations have come about via Harmony Central...not just musicians, but manufacturers as well.



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Thankyou very much Simon.

We have checked out the soundcloud and the website (liking the website looks very good) but maybe we could get an email or something of the like and maintain a contact base as it would be interesting to get some raw vocals off of you to try in a song, so if you have anything available we'd certainly like to hear it and in the next few months try and work with you and see what collab we can produce.

Regards Harry


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