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New to recording


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Well i'm looking at buying a Macbook pro within the next couple of days and want to get an interface an a shure sm57 and plan on doing some recording in Pro Tools. I was kinda set on an Mbox 2 or and Mbox 2 mini but alot of people seem to lean toward the firewire interfaces it seems so i've kinda had my eye on something like http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.co...ndle?sku=241579 or http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.co...stem?sku=184133. I really don't want to spend more than $300 for it. It's something i wanna do just for fun really but maybe plan on getting a little more into it and upgrade once i start getting the hang of things. One last thing is will this Macbook be pretty good for what I'm looking to do? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage...d=1218093608530 Just looking for any advice and input so anybody who has any it would be greatly appreciated. Thnx


Edit - I'm mainly gonna be recording guitars and bass if that makes a difference. I've also read some interfaces can't really handle an sm57 so i don't want any problems there either. Also from what I understand Pro Tools only works with Digidesign or M-audio interfaces so I think I'm going to go with Logic Studio rather than Pro-Tools. Sorry I'm pretty much a noob at the whole recording shiz lol

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Thats OK.


"Also from what I understand Pro Tools only works with Digidesign or M-audio interfaces so I think I'm going to go with Logic Studio rather than Pro-Tools".


This is true.


As far as your links go, They seem to be bad.


Firewire as far as cost goes is a bit more expensive, but it tends to be superior as far as relyable goes.


If you're buying low end, two channel stuff, there isnt that much of a difference between them. Most are shopping price not quality and use them for introduction to recording. They usually upgrade later anyway. As far as the SM57 not working, I have no idea where you got that gem from. If the interface has a preamp it should work.


My suggestion is you want an interface that has inputs for a low impediance Mic. Instrument level input so you can plug a guitar directly in and a line level in so you can record keyboards or a drum machine without jumping through hoops.


Main question comes down to how many simutanious tracks do you want to record at the same time. 2,4,6,8 etc. 2 is fine for solo recording but useless with more musicians recording in a band. You also have to constantly swap wires with every new part you record, and set up a new track in the daw and assign the ports.


Something like an 8 channel firepod goes for $500 or so and comes with CubaseLE which save alot of money and would allow you to record a whole band. These are choices you need to make for yourself though.

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