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Forum Question - Off Topic


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I'm not sure where else to ask this question. For the past two days this site has been incredibly slow for me. I browse other sites that load quickly, or as normally as they always have, but HC has been really slow. Honestly it's always been slower than any other site and far as that goes but lately every mouse click results in a long delay. Just getting to where I could start this thread took almost 90 seconds. I'm on dial-up but haven't made any changes and usually connect at 49.2kbps (isn't that sad).


If I'm the only one experiencing this then I'll have to figure out what's up. Like I said, it isn't happening on any other sites I try. Anyone else having this problem??


Thanks, and my apologies for the off-topic post.

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Not that I was eager to share the misery but I'm glad I'm not alone. I do hope it's something that can be tweaked by HC because I have found myself losing patience and popping onto another forum (that just happens to load immediately). :(
In fact I have discovered that it is quicker to click another site, then get back into HC than it is to hit the back button or click on "Acoustic Guitars" to browse the list again.

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Originally posted by AdamOn6thStreet

It took me 5 minutes to open this topic (on cable internet) so I decided that I should at least reply to it.

I've just about stopped replying or posting because it's been so slow. I've got broadband, so I shouldn't have any problems......

it's a bummer man. :(

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slow here too.
i've given up on it a couple of times when trying to check the forum over the weekend.
seems to be a little faster now. maybe it's been slow due to an increase in traffic over the weekend. maybe b/c a lot of people are off work til monday after the holidays. i dunno. ???

a lot of times i keep two browser windows open and surf one site as another is loading..

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It's always been pretty slow relative to other sites; must be a server-side problem. LB alerted me to the little trick of changing the acapella in the URL to quartet - made things faster for me, or indeed workable as acapella would time out for me in Europe most of the time. Which is kind of a bummer as the URL you get in the email shots is acapella.

I surely hope they get it fixed.

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