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Plugging a Hole in the side of an Acoustic


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Hi all,

I just purchased an Alvarez AJ60sc Jumbo with a single cut-away for a great price. The down side is that it has had the electronics removed. The hole were the EQ was has been taped over with a vinyl patch which I quickly removed (having heard that vinyl can reak havoc on a finish). I am interested in plugging this hole with wood, but am not really sure how to go about it? what material to use? what glue to use? how to finish it? Any help would really be appriciated. Also, am I right in assuming that plugging the hole with wood would improve the sound of the instrument as compared to say a duct tape patch, installing a new EQ or just leaving it as it is? Thanks,


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I just bought one of those new, except mine's not the jumbo, the bad thing about it is that the pickup that comes in it sells for as much as the guitar is new, probably why it was removed. It is an awesome pickup though.

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Here's what a buddy of mine did: He bought a Larrivee that some fool had cut a hole into the side of...apparently when the previous owner bought a new guitar, he removed the pre-amp, leaving a large rectangular hole...my buddy bought the Larrivee for $250 and had an engraving shop make him a "plaque" out of thin brass with his name on it...looks much better than before, but it is sure sad to see such nice wood descecrated...and it also reinforces my preference for "outboard" preamps.



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Originally posted by Terry Allan Hall

Here's what a buddy of mine did: He bought a Larrivee that some fool had cut a hole into the side of...apparently when the previous owner bought a new guitar, he removed the pre-amp, leaving a large rectangular hole...my buddy bought the Larrivee for $250 and had an engraving shop make him a "plaque" out of thin brass with his name on it...looks much better than before,...




Great Idea!!

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