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help! my strap is getting in the way of my left hand!


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i bought a new strap the other day....ive never had one before. its real nice, a franklin leather strap. my acoustic doesnt have a strap button by the neck, only one at the bottom of the guitar. so i bought one of those martin things you attach to the head, with the strap button built in. so i start playing and anything around the first fret my thumb seems to get cuaght up. more than a little annoying. is this just me not being used to it being there or is that the way it goes if you plan on having your strap go to your head? also, does this put unneeded stress on the head? dont want to hurt my boy.....



ps. sounds dumb but what side of the strap goes where? what i mean is, does the adjustable side(the skinnier end) go up by the neck/head, with the thick end by the bottom or the other way around? or is it preference?

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Originally posted by apostrophe

i just got him though, so im leary about having a button drilled into him. i just wont do it....this guy means a lot to me. maybe someday but for now hes too new! hes my jumbo buddy...his name is jack



It ain't no big deal. The botton is drilled into the HEEL, not the body, anway.


If you're worried have a pro do it for 20 bucks. Here's how its done.



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Ditch the idea of attatching the strap at the headstock. It's very 60's, not comfortable or as well balanced. I agree completely to have a strap button put onto the neck. It will NOT hurt your friend and you will enjoy spending more time with him if the strap is comfortable. Get a grip, it's a guitar. It was routed, filed, sanded, and drilled in order to become your friend. I hate to think of what agony you'll go through if you decide you'd like to have a pickup...

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Originally posted by kingputz

Ditch the idea of attatching the strap at the headstock. It's very 60's, not comfortable or as well balanced. I agree completely to have a strap button put onto the neck...


I disagree with the balance being better with a strap button on the neck. You'll find the guitar will want to dip forwards (more so if you put it on the side of the heel.)


The headstock attachment may seem geekier but it is a better option.


Originally posted by kingputz

...It will NOT hurt your friend and you will enjoy spending more time with him if the strap is comfortable. Get a grip, it's a guitar. It was routed, filed, sanded, and drilled in order to become your friend. I hate to think of what agony you'll go through if you decide you'd like to have a pickup...


But you are so right here! ;)

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i suppose your right....maybe a little button in the heel would be fine. but i LOVE how it looks with the strap on the head. i think its cool to have it that way....very david crosby-esque! luckily its an A/E so i never have to worry about installing pick-ups. and i dig my cowboy strap....matches my cowboy boots! =) and my freak flag of course....

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