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Dunlop 535q Dead Spot Fix????


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I have a 535q that has a dead spot towards the top. Its not all the way to the top but its just right before i get to the top, and it doesn't always do it, so i'm hoping its an easily fixable problem. But the sound just cuts out at that certain spot, and its annoying and a little embarrassing when i'm playin a gig. Anybody have any advice or know how on what to check for or do.

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Sounds like the pot is worn out. A new pot costs between $10~20. Not too hard to replace.


You can try some lubricating contact cleaner and clean the pot. It may work for awhile.

Dunlop does used sealed pots though to keep foot dirt out.

You actually have to remove the cap or drill a small hole to get the liquid in there.

I just use a dremmil and a stone tip and cut an apatire large enough to get the contact cleaner straw in there.

it may or may not improve thing. So I suggest instead of spending $10 on the cleaner, Just buy the pot and be done with it.

Three wires to resolder then you adjust the pot gear position so the rack gear spins the pot the correct amount.

Pretty easy fix for a beginner. You just need a soldering iron and solder.



I shelved my dunlop when the pot got scratchey.

I bought a used Morley Volume/wah that uses LED's instead of a pot for less than what a replacement pot cost.

Much more natureal better feel to the pedal too, like a gas pedal in a car.

Dunlops sound good, but they always made my foot feel like I had a frankenstein boot on when I used them.

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