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Which of these two guitars... (McCollum, Santa Cruz)


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I've been shopping around for sometime trying to find "the guitar." One of the two I filtered down to is a new Santa Cruz 000-42, which is similar to this:




except with a natural top. It's one of the greatest fingerstyle guitars I've ever played. It's very clear and has amazing projection for it's size, however it isn't the easiest player. With skilled precise playing it's magical. Price is roughly 3600.


The other guitar I came across online. It's a used McCollum Grand Auditorium. I've always had a passion for McCollum's, but the new ones were always out of my price range and used ones are a rarity. Here it is:




and here's an audio clip of it


McCollum GA Audio


It sounds wonderful to me, however it's not entirely conclusive since much of the tone comes from the player rather than the instrument. Price is about 4000.


At this level, the instruments are a matter pf personal taste rather than quality. I mostly do fingerpicking, classical, and celtic styles, however I jump around everywhere. Which guitar would you choose, based on your personal experience, knowledge, and biases. Thanks for helping me out!

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Originally posted by GrandDreaming

I mostly do fingerpicking, classical, and celtic styles, however I jump around everywhere. Which guitar would you choose, based on your personal experience, knowledge, and biases.

Can you really compare these two? One is described as thunderous with big bass, the other is a smaller body guitar that is more than likely going to have a more midrangey & less boomy sound.

It seems like the smaller body guitar may fit your stylistic preferences. But really, I think you need to own both because it would seem that the two guitars are quite different from one another!!! :D

I own two steel string acoustics, an OM and a dread, for that reason........different tools for different jobs.

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Originally posted by riffmeister

But really, I think you need to own both because it would seem that the two guitars are quite different from one another!!!

I was afraid of that. I guess i'm more interested in if one's a better deal than the other. I've played the Santa Cruz, and with Dream Guitars 3 day trial I could really A/B them. Thanks for the advice guys.

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