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DeArmond 210 PUP - Spare Parts????


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Hi Everyone.

I have an old DeArmond 210 Soundhole Pick-up and I've been trying to find more information about it (and other 210's) without any luck. Mine doesn't have the "DeArmond" name 'engraved' on the chrome part - it had the name on the white ceramic part, but through use over the years it has been scratched off. (I actually got mine as an 'added gift' when I bought my first 'real acoustic' in 1973/4 - it was well used then, but I never used it - at the time everyone was using the 'latest barcus berry transducer'.



Does anyone have any knowledge of the history of these particular pick-ups and their development?


Cheers folks!

CK. AKA. Goldfinga



P.S. More than anything I'm trying to find anyone who might have/stock 'spare parts' - in my case a 'Volume Wheel'. My Volume wheel is made of 'bakerlite' and has a crack where it 'fixes' to the 'pot').:( :(

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Wow...finding parts is likely going to be very difficult...one idea I can offer is you might be able to fix the crack w/ a careful application of Super-Glue Gel...I've fixed a few things that way and it often works.


Carefully remove the wheel and fill in the gap, or (if you don't think it would survive removal) maybe you can fill in the gap of the crack while it's still attached.


Hope this is of some help.

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Cheers guys for the help!


At the moment, I've glued-up the crack, but haven't glued it to the pot - yet.


The volume wheel 'slots' onto the pot ok, and works fine.


In anycase I don't plan to use this one in a "live gig" situation - I'm just keeping it for recording sessions.


I've been in touch with LitttleBrother (very helpful and immediate response too!!! .. some v.good info at his web).



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