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Acoustic Elelctric recommendation


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i agree the alvarez and the seagull are nice guitars, but for about $100 more than your base price i purchased a breedlove ac25sr+ with case... i spent $595.00 for the guitar and molded case about two years ago. the prices of the breedloves have gone up but they were going for about $800 plus then and by shopping around i found one at a little mom and pop guitar store and it happened to be a very sweet guitar... i have owned some fairly high end acoustic guitars and the ac ranks right up there for my purposes... just my two cents worth...

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I have the Alvarez AD60SC elec and honestly I don't like it much. It sounds good plugged in but sounds too bright and cheap unplugged. I bought the Epi Masterbuilt dread and it sounds like an acoustic should. Also the Baggs IBeam sounds better than the Alvarezs' electronics, which has alot of bells and whistles to it. Just my humble opinion.

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