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Film Music Libraries

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Does Tunecore or CDbaby get you into these? How do you get into good film music libraries and get your music in the hands of people who actually pick this stuff for their commercials and tv shows?



TuneCore works with two prominent services, Gray-V and Ocean Park Music Group (OPMG). Both have FULL ACCESS to everything that goes up through TuneCore, both pick and choose and sample and when they find something they want to use for a TV commercial, movie, video game, hotel lobby, store loop, casino, restaurant loop, and on and on, they simply tell us. We then contact the owner and put the two of them together to work out a master-use licensing deal.


So the answer is a resounding 'Yes!' No charge for this service, everyone eligible, if you're up through TuneCore you're already in the running.


I love this part about our business!




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