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Chorus pedal for an Acoustic


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I currently have a Boss ch-1 super chorus and was wondering if anyone had any good or bad experiences using other chorus pedals. I am looking at getting a Visual Sound H2O chorus/echo pedal to supplement or even replace my sterile sounding boss super chorus. I'm not a big fan of the price of the H20 and I would love to get something else cheaper, but getting a chorus and delay in the same pedal seems like a good deal. If anyone has any input on the chorus pedals they use, I would appreciate it greatly.

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I've never used the chorus you refer to, but I did use a Boss Super Chorus for several years, until I played through the Danelectro "Milkshake" chorus, which (IMABO) is much sweeter sounding...and quite a bit less expensive, too!


Try one out sometime...also check out the Danelectro "PB & J" digital delay...I have no idea how Danelectro makes such great sounding FX at such incredibly low prices, but I'm not complaining!


And, in spite of their very modest prices, they're very road-worthy, too...I've never had a Danelectro pedal break on me!

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Maybe it's just me, but if I see anybody use a chorus pedal on their acoustic, they get get downgraded a few notches in my mind.

Prejudice? maybe.

Or maybe it's just experience.


FXs in acoustic guitar music is like spices in cooking...you have to know when it's needed (and when it's not)...and to understand that, as a rule, a little goes a long way! ;)

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a little goes a long way!


Especially with chorus and acoustic.


Sort of like making a martini. My favorite acoustic tone recipe is to glance at the chorus pedal when I'm putting together the signal chain. ;)

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I've been looking for a cheap delay pedal. Thanks TAH.


Definitely check the "PB&J" out!


One thing I like is that it has two stomp buttons...one that turns it on/off, and one that gives you long delay or a shorter "slap-back" type, that is 1/2 the time length...which can be a very cool sound for some songs.


And, in spite of it being digital, it sounds very warm and "analog", kinda like the old Echoplexs of yesteryear! :)

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I use the DigiTech Chorus on my RP1 & I also have a Boss Super Chorus that I have used in the pasted. The Boss is a good box to use. I like using the DigiTech Chorus, b/c of the EQ & setting multiple patches I can make to fit my needs.

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Those little Dano pedals are great values. My first pedal was a "Pastrami" overdrive (probably cost like $20!) and it was my main distortion for a long time. Eventually, I broke the knobs off (they're just plastic, after all), but if you're a little nicer to your gear than I am, they're very cool pedals.


Back when I led a youth worship band, I would run my acoustic through a Digitech RP200. I usually use it for my electric stuff (at one point, I programmed it to have one preset for every song in my band's repetoire!), but I periodically needed something to make my acoustic pop out in the mix, especially during louder parts. The chorus on the RP200, while unimpressive as compared to more expensive or single-effect pedals, was just what the doctor ordered to make my sound stand out.


Like Terry said, you have to know when to use it. Using it all the time would be weird.



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The only time I like chorus at all is w/ acoustics, unless you are trying to get that tele to sound like Andy Summers on driven to tears.


That said, yes, a little chorus goes a long way. I like it to just widen out the sound a little. not so much an effect as an affect

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I like Chorus and Delay with Acoustic;especially the Chorus. I guess it goes back to the first day I got my first Acoustic Guitar. The dude who set it up for me and gave me my first lesson had a Takamine and a small pedalboard. He turn it all on and started strumming some chords then he stepped on the Chorus pedal (ie, Boss) and the whole darn room filled with lucious tones. I asked what that was and he said "That is a Chorus Pedal". I determined right then that I would always use a Chorus pedal. But, a little goes a long way. Currently I'm using the Chorus on my Roland AC60 amp which is very good. I have a Analogman Clone Chorus on the way that I suspect will be very good.



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I own the H20 Chorus & Echo. It is a great sounding pedal. The chorus is all analog, while the echo is digital, yet it is voiced to be analog. The chorus is versatile to where you can get either a mild or lush chorus sound. It should work out fine with your acoustic. It could liven up your tone greatly. I have the older version of the H20. The newer version can get true stereo sounds, and can get even more chorus tones. I'd definetly say to go check it out!

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Thanks for all the input, after researching more I think I have narrowed my decision a little bit. I'm still looking at the H2O because of its sounds quality and echo ability, but now I am looking at getting a BOSS CE-20 as well. With the ability to save chorus settings and be able to switch those settings on the fly during a performance, it's hard to not seriously consider it. I also play the bass and a little electric, so it would be nice to use the CE-20 on my strat, bass, and martin.

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