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Anyone ever contact Samick...


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and get a response?? They provide only an e-mail address link on their web site (no phone number) and I must have sent 5 or 6 e-mails asking a specific question about one of their guitars that I bought - got nothing. :mad:


Anyone have any success? Ever? Thanks in advance.

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and get a response?? They provide only an e-mail address link on their web site (no phone number) and I must have sent 5 or 6 e-mails asking a specific question about one of their guitars that I bought - got nothing.

Anyone have any success? Ever? Thanks in advance.


I know this is going to sound very cynical but in I am not mistaken Samick is the largest maker of guitars (for many other different brands as well) in the world and based in Asia. They are more or less a HUGE conglomerate. Now that is not an excuse for them to to disregard your e-mails but it's more than likely they are not set-up to answer your questions properly. It's usually left to the "distributer" (where you bought it) to handle any questions you may have about your guitar. Don't feel bad..last August I sent Taylor an email registering my 114 and I never got a confirmation response from them either...:confused:



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OGP: Thanks, I had a vague idea of what Samick's role is, guess I was hopeful that they would support their product - particularly if they provide a method of contact.


goldear: Yup, the Greg Bennett site was where I sent the messages actually, thanks. On the Samick site itself, the contact form doesn't even work.


Burgess: Guess I should have taken one by now but it pisses me off when these sites publish an e-mail address that no one ever looks at.

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Yeah, the contact form on Greg Bennett doesn't work, and they never replied my emails to date. I've fired off four or five to them.


Wolfboy: What did you want to ask them about? Maybe we can help...

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