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ukulele string guage


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Thats just plain weird - i was just having a go on the uke I got for my kid - to stop her perstering me for a shot of my acoustic.

No ideal on string guage but standard tuning is
GCEA (g being the string nearest you when your holding it in playing position) - do a google search there are a couple of sites with tuning tips (including how to tune against a guitar) and chord charts - it's what I was just doing!

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No ideal on string guage but standard tuning is




but the G is tuned one octave up so that it is not the lowest note on the instrument (it is only one step lower than the high A). This is for a soprano uke.


Except for the G being an octave up, it has the same pattern as the high 4 strings on a guitar, so you can use the same fingering as you do for guitar chords, they will just be in a different key. For instance, a G on a guitar is 320003. Since you only have the top 4 strings, you can play 0003. This is a C on a soprano ukulele. It's not hard for a guitarist (or a kid) to pick one up and start doing something with it. My son plays mine much more that I do.


Just get a set of uke strings for whatever size uke you have. It WILL take 2 full weeks for the strings to settle. I didn't believe it when I was told that. I thought, "They just don't know how to stretch the strings." HA! My IMT-500 tuner works great on my uke.


Scott O

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