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Props to Takamine


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I've had my Takamine acoustic for about 4 years now without any problems. It's just a standard G-series Tak but it suits me well. Now, a couple weeks ago, it fell and the G-string tuner snapped off somehow. With me being broke and all, I got really depressed thinking that I would have to cope without an acoustic for a while, but then, on a whim, I decided to email their customer support team thinking they could show me how to buy just a single tuner. To my surprise, they just told me to give them my address and they will send out a new one that will be here in a couple days!


Now, I've never really dealt with customer support from any company, but I certainly wasn't expecting free stuff because I broke my guitar. Are all guitar companies this nice?


All that's left is to learn how to replace a tuner.....

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