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Wrist exercises to keep tendinitis at bay??


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I've had tendinitis issues in both of my wrists over the years. When I've sought medical attention, they'd basically just tell me to rest the area. For me that means no xbox and no guitars.


I'm getting a lot of pain in my left thumb, at the last joint (right by the wrist) as well as pain on both sides of my wrist and a spot behind my ring finger. Add my rotator cuff injury, and you can probably understand why I'm taking a break.


I'm on day 4 of my break, and for the first time I haven't had any sudden flare ups of pain, though any time I move I'm reminded how sore I am. Once I'm pain free, and ready to start playing again, I know to take it slow, evaluate my technique, take breaks, and stretch!!! What else can I do?


I've read that one should build up the area once the pain is gone. What kind of wrist and finger exercizes can one do to help prevent repetative stress injuries?


On a side note, has anyone had any luck with alternative therapies? I think there may be an acupuncturist in town...

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First the disclaimer - I am not a physician or physical therapist which is who you really should be talking to. Second, I do not have direct experience with wrist tendinis, but I do have a couple of other ailments that might be helpful.


Third, are you sure that it is tendiniis (inflamation of the tendons) - if so my understanding is that the usual RICE coupled with ibuprophen is the best therapy. Once the pain is gone then light strength and range of motion exercise are in order - wrist curls, hanging a weight on a broom stick and winding it up, squeezing a tennis ball. Your therapist can set up the program for you .


If it is osteoarthritis, treatment might be a little different. I have bad knees (literally bone on bone and at some point will need replacements) and while I hate steroid shots, that had given me some relief. Discussing the options with my orthopod (who knows I'm an active person and want more than just relief from pain) - he suggested trying hyaluronic acid injections directly into the knee. This material was originally derived from rooster comb (google "rooster comb injections"), but is now synthesised) - it increases the viscosity of the senovial fluid (he said it was like adding STP to the knee cap). I have had it done twice - it lasts 6 months and I am able to ski, hike, bike - all of my old activities with almost no pain and pretty good range of motion. The doc said it should postpone the replacement by 4 or 5 years and is covered by my insurance.


As far as your question about alternatives, the Keller's are basically anti drug whenever we can be and both my wife and daughter swear by acupunture. My daughter used it during childbirth with no other pain meds. I've personally never tried it but again, it is certainly worth consideration. Ironically we have a local vet who advertizes acupuncture for your cat or dog (not sure I'd want to stick the needle in a pit bull).


One last thought, at the ripe old age of 66 I have become addicted to yoga. I feel like a complete fool compared to all these sweet young things in tight pant doing their down dogs and warriors, but with a year of yoga I can tell that my range of motion has improved on almost all joints. There is nothing specific for wrist, but again, might be worth a try.

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First round of acupuncture accomplished!! Thanks to a cancellation I was able to get an appointment today.


So far I feel no change. I understand it can take a few treatments before one can expect to see results. My next is Apr 4th. I'll update in case anyone's interested.


So far I'm down $75, but was fascinated by the process. Could very well be placebo, but I was very relaxed during the treatment and feel way too energized for having just finished a long awful week. My pains are all still as present as always though.

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