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Anyone tried that "cold sauder" stuff?, it work?


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Are we talkin about the Cold Heat WELDER? I stated MANY months ago that it wouldn't work for guitar electronics. Works on thin wires that can be WELDED together, otherwise I agree with Vintage.

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It has a split tip, that arcs when you pass electricity through it. All that does is heat up metal enough to melt it, and yes, it will probably solder things. Sort of. As well as a teeny-tiny arc welder would, I guess.


As to whether I would use it on my guitar, I don't think I want anything arcing through my electronics, even if it is low amperage. Maybe that's just me though.

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If you try and use the cold heat thing for somthing like soldering to the back of the volume pot on a guitar it wont work. If it does, your not gona quickly touch your finger. The tip will have to be so damn hot its gona burn you.

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Spend that $20 on a cheap Weller iron with a replaceable tip. I found mine at a local Ace Hardware and have done a lot of assembly with it.


Learning to solder isn't rocket science. It does take a steady hand and a good amount of practice though. Once you get a feel for it, it can be fun - esp. when work turns out nicely.

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Originally posted by MarkSimpson

Spend that $20 on a cheap Weller iron with a replaceable tip.



I like the exacto tip. I put a hooked razor on there, then I heated it up, then I called some friends and yelled, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PAIN IS!!!!":mad:

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Better yet spend









Originally posted by MarkSimpson

Spend that $20 on a cheap Weller iron with a replaceable tip. I found mine at a local Ace Hardware and have done a lot of assembly with it.

Learning to solder isn't rocket science. It does take a steady hand and a good amount of practice though. Once you get a feel for it, it can be fun - esp. when work turns out nicely.

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