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Interesting Gibson story....looks like they are going after wal mart and the like!


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To bring the topic back to where it started, my guess is that few if any of us had an American made guitar as their first guitar. I know in 1980, my mother bought me my first guitar; a $60 Hondo acoustic that sucked. Asian guitars are now high quality. I'm sure that if you are reading this forum that your guitar skills, interest, and expectations are beyond the market that Walmart and Gibson are looking to cater to. It's a good thing that newbies these days have a wide variety of decent guitars to choose from.


I don't think that there is anything unique about Gibson, or any other company moving their production to Asian markets. We've handed over tons industries to Asia over the past fifty years. The entire electronics industry was created here, yet, the entire industry picked up shop and moved out. I'm sure I'll be corrected by one of you, but can't think of one U.S. company that produces anything that you need to plug into a wall. America's workforce simply is not willing to compete with Asian markets. How could we? That $20 dollar a week paycheck or whatever it may be in these countries is what allows them to destroy us in production.

Despite the loss of industry after industry over the past few decades, the US has thrived financially. So don't worry too much. The US has a knack for taking the lead in new industries and trends.




Don't forget that the owner of Gibson bought the company when Gibson was three pubes away from going belly up. They've come along way. He knows what's profitable business for the company, and he's about to bring their bottom line WAAAYYY up. Why begrudge him that.


Are you going to burn your Les Paul in protest????

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If Gibson wants to go that route more power to them. The guitar crowd doesn't adjust to change easily though, one reason that original designs by Fender and Gibson have remained virtually unchanged for so long. Anything with the Gibson name attatched to it used to automatically mean quality. This has changed with their venture into the economy guitar market and that change is difficult for guitarists to accept.

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Originally posted by jjpistols

One might say complacent?



One could say that. I think we've just been getting away with it, and we ain't gonna any more. I don't know, somehow complacent implies to me a sort of blissful ignorance, and I just don't really believe it. I think anyone could tell you how "backwards" those Arabs are and how SUVs are wasteful, but they're worth it, and after all, if anyone gets too uppity our military can take them apart. I think we've known this day was comming, eventually.


I don't thing anyone likes to admit that even though we were once the "rebels" somewhere along the line we became the "empire."



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