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To build or not to build?


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So i got this strat pickguard, all wired nice and stuff, and the question is, what to do with it?


I was considering taking a p-up out and putting it on my acoustic, but now that i look at it, wouldn't it be cool if i put together a little strat project?




I still need a neck and body, tho. Anyone interested in selling or giving one away?

What to do, what to do?

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Originally posted by BowerR64

Why would you buy a pickguard with pickups if you dont have a guitar to put it in?

Did you forget to take your meds today?


Its like buying an amp and not having an electric capable guitar, ain't it?




My question is what are the pickups? That would influence my recommendation in a big way. Cheap {censored}, throw it out. Fralins....sell them or determine whether you want to buy a Strat to slap it in or build one. Personally I'd buy a MIM Standard from MF for $295 (after the email link discount for $50 and the $25 discount using HCRD as a coupon code at checkout) and upgrade as needed.


Oh wait....I did do that!



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they look like those covered strat pickups that fender used in the 80's. NOt EMG's, though. Oh well, time to look for that body and neck...:) I mean, for a couple bucks, its worth a shot, right?


I'm actually kinda enjoying this parts hunt.

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