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Which Mesa?


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so I need to get a half stack for gigging purposes, buying new, I dont want used as I like to try before I buy and would like a warranty for this particular purchase, and I can get fairly good prices on these localy.


So far I am looking at either a single rec, or an F-100 head, which I would run into 2 2*12 mesa cabs, (more convenient that a 4*12, for most shows I would most likely only need one of them). I noticed theres a few mesa players here, so which one would you guys recommend as far as reliability,tone, etc....:)

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Originally posted by dughaze

You need to go play them and try them out and pick the one that sounds best.



played them both, each had its own characteristics, both usable for the purposes intented, only issue is that I cant really crank them to stage volume in store, not this particular one at least, and since I already have studio amps, this would be just for gigging.... my main concern is reliability for said purpose as well as tone at higher volumes

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