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Ear Plugs-What are the best ones?


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I've recently started playing in a band again and was wondering what ear plugs you guys use. Right now I have some that just suck. When their in I can't hear anything and when they aren't I'm ringing by the end of practice.


Any input here.

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Not sure the brand of mine but they cost around $30. When I got them I thought I was nuts but when I use them I know where that extra money went. Basically it just attenuates the volume while letting the frequencies come through. I can't imagine ever going back to the foam plugs.

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I'm glad to see this thread. I wish I would have used earplugs before I blew my hearing out playing loud music. Now I have Tinnitus and have a constant high pitched sound in my ears - like being in a room with a tea kettle whistling 24 hours a day. Playing loud music is cool, but Tinnitus is not, so right on to you all for protecting your hearing.

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Originally posted by aeonrevolution

Where would one go to find the seriously high quality ones? I remember when I was at the NIN/QOTSA concert Reznor had some that like covered everything inside of his ear and wrapped around the outside.


Those sound like in ear monitors to me.

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