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Sharpening knife edges on a floyd?


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I have a problem with my jackson kelly (with a licenced floyd).


When I do a dive-bomb, all strings go flat, when I pull the trem, all the strings go sharp.


Is this problem related to the knife-edges not being sharp enough, or is it related to the themolo springs? At this moment, there is 4 springs in there.


Is it possible to sharpen the knife-edges when they go dull?

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sounds like an adjustment problem to me....i don't know if "sharpening" is necessary....unless the edges are REALLY beat up....but some graphite on the screws where the edges contact would be a good thing....just use a #2 pencil.....rotate screw, graphite, rotate screw back......




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Look at the knife edges closely or nicks or burrs. If there are some you can clean it up with a fine file.

Check the posts for excessive play also.

Try using a dab of chap stick as a lubricant for the knife edges.








He, he...he said lubricant....:freak:

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