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Hey PaulSter!


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Bro-- I've been meaning to tell you about it! I tracked it on FedEx and was not expecting it until yesterday. Well, it arrived Saturday morning!


I played it for about two hours before heading out with friends to watch the UT game. Once I got it stabilized, it was playing great. Most importantly, I really dig the tone of it. I won't be changing any electronics.


A few nights ago, I took the 9's off and tweaked a few things.


Here's what I dig --and a few niggles:


1. Cleaned the sh7t out of the fretboard. There seemed be a ton of build-up on the frets which was causing the strings to bind when I bent them. Also, my fingers ended-up black after playing. So I virtually soaked the neck in fretboard conditioner (Fender/Mcguire--lemon oil). After about an hour I wiped the neck down vigorously. I couldn't believe how much black came off. This helped the string binding issue a lot. A good fret polished would completely resolve the issue.


2. Switching to 10's definitely helped the common problem with those bridges-- strings jumping out of their slots. It also increased the fatness of those p-90s, which already sounded really good.


3. I rotated the pickup switch so that it would move front to back. That is more intuitive for me on this guitar (even though all my other 3-ways move up-down). Besides, I was hitting it a few times when playing.


4. I swapped-out the control knobs with some black speed knobs from a PRS I had. They look great on there.


5. I swapped the cheap white vibrato arm tip for a nicer creme colored one I had. It matches the pickups too.


6. I wish the control knobs were a little further back, because there's not a lot of picking/strumming room in-between the pickup selector and the volume knob. But, I think with more playing time, I can adjust.


7. I really like the vintage looking tinted neck and headstock. The med-jumbo frets are nice. I don't think I'll ever play it ultra aggressively for leads high up the neck, but I'll have to see what further tweaks I can make. Right now it frets out in several spots north of the 12th fret. Maybe the buzz eliminator and some further neck tweaking can solve that.


All in all-- it's a really cool guitar and I'm really happy with it. I think one has to adjust one's expectations when paying $139 for a guitar! It totally delivers for me.


In fact, here's something-- I have a $149 Peavey EXP that plays very nicely. I take it, along with my Micro Cube, out to the lake, tailgating, etc. I would not freak if it got dropped.


With this SX, there's something about how nice it looks, that tells me I would never take it out to a 'hostile' environment. That means I really like it and want to take good care of it.


With a few more tweaks or mods, I would easily gig with it.


Thanks for turning me on to the guitar! I've seen the Rondo posts since day one and this is the first one I've ordered.



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Glad you like it - my pair will be at the Backroom tonight, and Headhunters on Friday if you're out


Did you get the big 70s style headstock? (ahhh remember those 70s vintage SXs?)


I love the stock pups - how do the mighty mites compare? think they're the same?


think you'll need a buzz stop?

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Originally posted by jjpistols

Glad you like it - my pair will be at the Backroom tonight, and Headhunters on Friday if you're out

Did you get the big 70s style headstock? (ahhh remember those 70s vintage SXs?)

I love the stock pups - how do the mighty mites compare? think they're the same?

think you'll need a buzz stop?

Aw man, I can't get out to either of those gigs, but it WILL happen. :-)


Can you give me your band's website again?


My headstock looks like the regular-sized one.


Hard to tell on the pickups as I'm not sure how big a difference the Strat v SX config makes it sound. The ones in my Strat (Mightly Mites) seem to come across a little hotter and smoother--but that could have everything to do with the hardware, body, etc. I also have top-grade pots and switch in the Strat.


This one comes across more funky and sharp-- and I like that. I don't think I will get the buzz stopper until after I've polished the frets and adjusted the truss rod. With that, I would be bending harder, and may need the buzz stopper at that point.



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