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SG "Classic"....$1059.99...


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I got on board for $799 and was bemoaning the dude who got one this week on the bay for like $675


but now ... I think we're BOTH ahead


these are GREAT guitars


my only bitch.... the binding is Sooooooooooo freakin white..


will take years to mellow if I don't leave it in the sun





No ... I won't do that

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Too bad this is only available online. MF is playing games with the price of this guitar. They figure that since it's getting close to Christmas, they can screw a few uninformed consumers.


Seriously folks, don't buy online unless you have no other options. And if you must buy online, I'd suggest e.m. shorts, music machine, rumbleseat, centre city, wildwood, etc., and talk to them on the phone about the guitar that you want before you buy it.

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Originally posted by hondro

docjeff, if i called one of the stores you just mentioned, could i get an SG classic for $800?



Unfortunately, no. Musician's Friend is the only dealer who carries these. That's why they are playing games with all of the different prices.


The Custom Shop makes a historic reissue of a 60's SG Special with P-90's (like Townshend), and I'm sure that one of the shops I mentioned would give you a great deal on one of those, but they are going to run at least double of what the SG Classic is.

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One quick thought, I paid $799 for mine a year ago. After the New Year I saw it advertised for $749. MF refunded me the $50 difference because of their price guarantee.


If you can find an old catalog where it is advertised for $799 (not too old, but within a few months), they will ask you for the catalog code when you call in to order. You should still be able to get it for $799. But you have to call--it won't work online.

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Originally posted by docjeff

One quick thought, I paid $799 for mine a year ago. After the New Year I saw it advertised for $749. MF refunded me the $50 difference because of their price guarantee.

If you can find an old catalog where it is advertised for $799 (not too old, but within a few months), they will ask you for the catalog code when you call in to order. You should still be able to get it for $799. But you have to call--it won't work online.



SCORE! i keep all my magazines in a huge trunk in my closet, i've got Mads from like 10 years ago! theres gotta be a few musicians friends in there!

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I hate playing MF's games. Sometimes I think the name stands for Musical Fascists. I've never had trouble buying gear from them, but I've never been happy with any guitar they ever sent me on the first try (I've sent one back to them 3 times, once).


Otherwise, I'd be all over this.

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