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What's the advantage?


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I'm just curious. What is the advantage of buying parts off ebay and assembling your own strat? Is there a cost savings involved or is it just the fact that you can have the exact pieces that you want? I've been comtemplating buying a strat but I thought this may be a less expensive route...but after seeing some of the completed auctions on USA fender strat parts...:confused:

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I put together a Strat from Ebay parts along with some parts from a salvaged guitar. For me it was the fun of searching out the parts, finding the best deal, and then making it all come together. I guess I just did it for the fun of doing it, and I wasn't disappointed. I still have some plans for the guitar, like a better trem, or maybe a Fender neck, but that is the point of it, at least for me anyway.

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Some folks want to pretend they are Eric Clapton, and build a raging partsocaster that is greater than the sum of its parts (maybe).


Also, there is a personal satisfaction element in scraping together disparate, individually selected parts and assembling them into an axe after one's own image, sort of like Johnny Cash's song about the Cadillac, "One Piece at a Time".

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The USA and MIM strat necks are made in the same factory in Calif. The necks destined for the MIM strats are shipped to Mexice, while the USA necks are retained for further finishing and installed on USA models. I can't see why the USA neck wouldn't fit in the MIM body.

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