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thoughts on danelectro u2?


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im in the market for a new electric im thinking about the danelectro u2 the sound is what im looking for, but are thery good quality guitars? what do you guys think of them, im intrested in the 56-u2 reissue, but these really hard to find? what do you guys think of these anyone own one? and where do you think i can look to find one? thanks guys

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I personally like the Danelectro re-issues

There is the Current 56 Pro (Danelectro U2 in

its current form by new owners) It has a

intonatable bridge verusu the prior re-issue

non-intonatable bridge. the new ones also

lack the white tape along the outer edge

They are worth the money

either at the $399 + or minus some on the new ones or the re-isue U-2 (plenty of them on e-bay)


I had a 1956 RI U-3 as well that I let slip away that was

a very cool sounding guitar for the $.

3 lip stick pu's and a variatone ,


I also their their Baritone's stand up to most

on the market



Good Luck!:D

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i have the reissue... it was shot to hell when i found it, but i fixed it up and now i love it to death. materials-wise, i gotta say its probably one of the biggest pieces of {censored} i've played. but somehow the hollow masonite body adds to the flavor of the guitar. i'm also usually much more of a fan of strat-style necks, but i love this one for some reason. soo yeah, i don't know what else to say about it... oh the bridge is a bitch, heh. since you can't independently adjust the action on each string, i always end up with fret buzz on something...


i have to say i have 5 guitars and its probably the lowest quality one, but i love it just as much as i love my highest quality guitar. its just something about the character it has that you just can't beat. its like an old friend...


aand yeah, hope that helped, heh.

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I had a DC '59 and it was black like Jimmy Page's. I couldn't keep the thing in tune so I used it as part of a trade in for a new amp.


The thing I liked about the two pickup dano's is that you could use the volume nobs in the in-between setting and not lose volume. When I was a kid, I thought that the in between setting on a les paul was so versitial because you would be able to blend the two pickups not only with tone but volume as well, giving you a ton of options. Les Pauls don't do that, but these dano's do and that's what I liked about them.


I kinda wish I didn't sell mine because right when I did, I found out they stopped making them. Pick it up and buy new tuners. They're cool looking guitars and fun to play.

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