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How a perfectly fine guitar ended up in the trash


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So I've finished re-finishing my squier strat.


I've kept a photo diary of my work from the day I got the guitar, to five minutes ago, which is when I finally calmed down.


Can anyone host a 2.5mb word document for me? I'd like to share the diary with everyone.


Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes too :D


Holy crap, the thing is a mess! :rolleyes::D

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I'm saddened by it. (Am I missing something?)
This is exactly the same thing that usually happens to me: I'm going along nicely with something and then I totally F it up and throw it in the dumpster, because I can't do what I want to do--purge the whole experience from my brain.
I appreciate your sharing your experience.
I would encourage you not to surrender.

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Unpaint it, sand the gravel dings out of it and make it a guitar that you will keep and play hard and tell the story about the rest of your life! That's what life is! You screw up, you learn and you do-over . . . if life gives you the chance! Guitars or relationships - it is all about life! Ya don't just pitch it! The other guys are right, you do have to find balance in your life - in the universie - Karma!

Hey - what the f*** do I know? You have to do what is right for you! But what is right as you do it, needs to have been right the next day and the next week and the next year . . . Measure twice, cut once. . . .

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Dude, look at the first coat of blue you put on there, that color scheme is rockin'! The paint job looked very, very good, like you put a lot of effort and patience into it. The red stripes looks awesome to me too. So what your paint technicalities didn't work out? Start that stuff over, try it again. If it is just a project, hang it in your garage and forget about it until you feel like you can tackle it again, I mean it's not a guitar for a client or your #1 that you have to play tomorrow night. Try to be patient because it seemed like the project got lost as soon as you got impatient with it. Just my two cents. I have a tele I'm finishing now and the wait for the nitro to shrink is killing me! But what the hell, it's going to be awesome when it's done, whether it's next month or 5 months from now and on the 4th try or something.

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I'm on dialup so I'm too lazy to download the file.. can anyone just put up a pic? I bet it looks good enough for me to play... I have no qualms at all about playing a horrible ugly disgusting guitar. One that people will recognize, you know:thu:

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ur a pansy.

put the guitar back together and play the damn thing. its a guitar, the paint gets a little messed up occasionally. also, do something with the headstock, the body looks good, its kind of a shame to see the squire name on the headstock. put your own name there.

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Ok, now my rage and bitter dissapointment has subsided :D

On the advice of, well, everyone, I've kept the guitar and put it away in the garage. Maybe as a reminder to never try anything again in my life :D

I actually bought the guitar because it was just the neck that I wanted from it. So i'm going to stick it on my Squier Tele until I get round to fixing the strat that I trashed last night. I've already sanded off the Squier logo. And I think it would be really cool to write something in Russian on it. Does anyone here speak Russian? :D

The problem with the strat body is, when I threw it, it banged against a paving stone, and there is now a large gouge in the body. It's going to take a long time and a lot of patience to fix.

Well, since it's sitting by the trash at the curb, I'll pay the freight to ship it to me. I'd hate to see a usable axe go to waste. See what you can do with a little patience and inspiration?

Dude, that is awesome! I'd love to be able to do something like that. What's your secret? I've got a MIM tele that has paint so thin, it's chipped and flaked so badly, there's spots of white primer showing up all over it. It looks like a freakin dalmation or something.

Cheers :D

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Gouge? How big? Try some wood filler, it's not very expensive and you can get it at Home Depot. Put that putty-like substance in the hole, let it dry and sand it down. When you get a level surface, repeat the refin process. Then go to the store for some aeresol primer, a COUPLE of cans of the spray paint color you want (everyone that helped me on my first finish said to buy mulitple cans of paint, you never know when you're going to run out :wink:), and some sort of clear coat. That's a cheap way to go and trust me, it comes out excellent. I used all ReRanch stuff which is pricey because I thought that they were the only ones that had shell pink.

And for petes sake, be patient this time!

And I know this is a far fetched analogy, but if you sucked at a scale for a while, would you throw your guitar away in the trash? Or your hands? Not really, because you'd never get anywhere on the guitar. So while it sucks to start over with painting your own guitar, you really didn't do a bad job the first time, I'd say try again or you'll be disappointed that you didn't.

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