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microphonic pickups helo


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Hey guys. so my early 80's G&L F100 is really begininng to annoy me with its microphonic pickups and noise. i actually thought about changing the pickups altogether, but decided it would kill the purpose of having an f100(with its weird MFD pickups). so without changing the electronics, how does one typically fix the microphonic noise? its not like some hissing, its pretty bad. i dont want to totally change the electronics because this guitar sounds so much different than my other guitars.



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Originally posted by trackstar

thanks ill go check it out. they're actually humbuckers, so thats why it frustrates me so much that they are both microphonic and just squealie haha.



well...buckers buck single coil 60 cycle hum but that doesn't mean that they can't get microphonic on ya.

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