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Roland Micro-cube


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I have (and love) the Micro Cube and will probably buy the Vox DA5, I like to collect small amps. A couple of points on the DA5.


It's all solid state, not a hybrid using the Valve Reactor technology like the VR or AD series, so it would probably sound more likd the Pathfinders.


It has compression and tap tempo, two features which the Micro Cube doesn't.


It is somewhat less flexible in terms of which effects can be used together. The Micro Cube allows any combination of delay/reverb and one time-based effect.


It uses C batteries, which is a real disappointment to me. I like to travel with a charger and a bunch of AAs and AAAs only. If the battery life is long enough, I can probably live with it, but I would much prefer smaller batteries.


It has a wattage selection switch. Since it isn't a tube amp, this shouldn't really affect tone much, but I've heard that it improves battery life.

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I love my Roland MC but the Fender setting is not very good on mine. The Vox setting sounds pretty good though.


I like to hook my MC up with a Vox Pathfinder 15r and play them in stereo...actually sounds pretty good with my Marshall chorus pedal..

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Originally posted by guitarcapo

I love mine but I wish it had a line out to plug it into a PA for gigs...That and maybe the clean channel could be as loud as the drive channels. Seems like most amps have a hard time with that.



Use the headphone jack. You may need an adapter.

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Yeah, the Microcube is pretty cool, the speaker can't handle being cranked up too hard, but that's not what you're playing a 2 watt battery powered amp for.


I haven't changed the batteries since I got mine back in July or August, and I'm easily over 20 hours considering the times I've forgotten to turn it off.

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