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It's weird playing a 100 percent stock guitar again after all the mods...


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One of my friends has been dying to have my guitar for years, but it's not for sale... I did however, sell him the electronics out of it which were a pair or Rio Grande BBQ/Texas set with some black ice modules and the Jimmy Page wiring mods. Now he's got a swiss army LP and I've got a stocker again...


It was cool for a couple of years but the last few months I just left it in standard bucker mode anyway. Still have my D-Tuner and straplocs on it though.


Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with it next, I want to go for more of a 70s hard rock tone, but I need it clean at least 50 percent of the time nowadays.

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its a rare condition for me to play a guitar that is 100% stock.
they make aftermarket {censored} for a reason. if your going to own a guitar, you might as well make it suit you the best it possibly can.
unless you go custom shop, its nearly impossible to buy a guitar that is perfect for you bone stock.

hell, none of my electrics even have stock frets!
the closest thing to a stock guitar i have is my lp custom, which is all stock except the frets.

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This is my sole electric at the moment, just a early 90s Gibson LP Custom Plus with a quilted maple top. I've had it since like 98 or something.

I'm actually thinking of a pair of Super Distortions, Dual Sounds or something, but I want to keep the gold covers so it looks stock. I'm just not in love with the clean tone of the SDs, DSs, the Rios I had, ect... Then again I'm not exactly in love with the 490R or 498T that's back in it now, either.

When I still had 25-30 guitars it was easy to find the tone I wanted, but with 1, hahaha.

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