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Guitar Improvising


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I am accustomed to playing my own material and I can learn songs from my favorite artists in no time at all. For instance, I can hear a song maybe one or two times and pretty much get the solos and rhythm parts down pack. The only thing is when the band decides to play a 'cut', as I like to call it, or basically not a song, but just something to fill-in in-between songs I have problems improvising. Is there anyway to fix this?


Also, do famous guitarists sometimes have trouble playing other famous guitarist's work? Like if a certain guitarist was asked to do a tribute for a legend, would he/she normally have a hard time trying to learn their songs?


Just curious





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It's hard to give tips on improvising, but for me just trying different things and learning stuff by ear helped tremendously. Just try some "weird" chord shapes and unusual (to you) note choices and after many dissonant avantgarde-jazz-fusion forays you'll propably find something that you can use. Try to make some little nice melodies, something simple can be very effective. I find that as long as I have some kind of backing rhythm I can improvise something over it - might not always be good, but at least it's something! :)

If the artist would have to learn something very different from his own style then it might pose some problems.

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I have trouble with that also. My instructor is working on that with me and he suggests that I work with parts of scales and add some bends to the mix. Chaining one scale into another can work also. That's what I've been doing.

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