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Adding humbucker to Strat


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well alot of folks like to use different value pots (volume knob, a tone knob is also a type of pot or potentiometer) for single coils and humbuckers -



humbuckers typically use 500k pots and single coils usually use 250k, it kind of tames the treble/brightness of the single coil more - so you can see a 250k pot will make any single pickup darker than if the same pickup was wired to a 500k pot.



ive had both used for both and it worked, and in fact in my main player i have 500k pots and have an H-H-S configuration (two singles and a bridge bucker) - the bridge is a single coil sized "stacked bucker" and it kicks alot of ass, its an older seymour duncan - and all pups (HHS) have 500k pots and it works, but in this instance the singles are warmer singles (seymour alnico pro IIs).



id say try it and see, but unless you have unusually dark or bright pickups you may want to go with 500k with buckers and 250k for singles

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Thanks...what I will be doing is installing a duncan distortion into a strat I recently aquired. I am going to have this pickup in the bridge for rock tone and leaving the stock single pups in the neck for a bluesy tone.

So I guees I'de better buy a 500 pot for my humbucker right?

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You can wire it up with the 250 Vol pot and see if you like it. Won't hurt anything. To my ears, a 500 vol pot will give you a bit more high end. Depends on what you like. If you do your own work, not a biggie to pop the hood after you try it with the 250 and change it out if not to your liking. For me, the less soldering the better and I like a warmer tone with less high end.


Hey - do a search on 500k Pots. Lots of comments about that subject.

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