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"uniform profile"? educate the igorant?


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i DID a search. honest.


i first tried google & then here at the forum. & i'm still not convinced i understand the concept of "uniform profile" necks.


the rondo site says:

"for ultra-fast playing, 21.5mm at the frest fret and 22mm at the 12th fret"


but i'm unclear what this compares to or what comparative advantages/disadvantages it's supposed to carry. except it's for "ultra-fast playing"


iffin' you're feeling charitable, enlighten a benighted ignoramus?

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I would assume it's down to the notion that if the neck profile is pretty much the same all the way up the neck, you won't have to adjust your left hand as much when you're "burning up the fretboard with your licks of fury" or whatever. Less adjustment, even if it's a 100th of a second, theoretically would mean you have more time to think about what you're going to play next, or fit in that extra sweep picked note that nobody can hear because the sound has turned into a Gameboy being raped by a screwdriver.

I can only assume that's why. I freely admit i may be wrong. There can't be any other reason, can there?

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so it's about how thick the neck is? it's not about width, is it?

& a "standard" neck might normally get thicker @ it's higher frets? has nil to do with radius, right? wrong?

& I'm still wondering about trade-offs & comparative advantages/disadvantages. if it is theoretically good, let's say, then why doesn't every guitar have it? & if it isn't so good, why does any guitar have it?

does it make necks less resonant or more fragile or something?

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It's about thickness and width, i believe. I think that the thickness remains as near-as-dammit the same up the neck, while it gets *slightly* wider as it goes up, but i think it's a more gradual shift than on a standard neck. It has to get wider as it goes up, otherwise the string spacing at the bridge would be the same as it is at the neck, and picking would be incredibly hard. An polepieces would to be respaced etc.

"why doesn't every guitar have it?"
Possibly because having a uniform neck might aid "blazing" but it would compromise things like barre chords and arpeggios.
"why does any guitar have it?"
Weeellll, i'm reluctant to say it's a "gimmick" but i think... well, i think it's "gimmicky." Some people would undoubtedly benefit from it, but i don't think it's an "invention" on a par with a locking trem or something, which is genuinely "clever."
"does it make necks less resonant or more fragile or something?"
Doubt it. Wood is wood. The truss rod reinforces it. A uniform neck will still have a truss rod, so i assume it'll be as sturdy as a regular neck. Less resonant.... in theory, but i can't tell the difference in resonation between a really skinny neck and a baseball bat, so i'm not the man to ask.

I don't mean to sound negative. I just think it's a bit of a "much of muchness" situation, y'know? I don't think they're pointless, i just think people are really too used to regular necks to switch in their droves. Also, i think having that uniform a radius might have ramifications with regard to bending. I'm not sure, though.

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i had the feeling it was prolly Kinda gimmicky. the only reason i asked at all is that rondo suddenly is crawling w/ them.

my initial feeling was that it was a kinda minor but still quite distinct damper on my GAS, & from our little chat that still seems right.

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Originally posted by walfordr

Not really a new gimmick. Nylon string classical guitars are usually built this way and have been for a few hundred years.



no one said "new."

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Originally posted by walfordr

Not really a new gimmick. Nylon string classical guitars are usually built this way and have been for a few hundred years.



Aye, and check the string spacing at their nuts. It's not such a pain on a classical guitar.


Sorry, i think it was probably the way i used the word "gimmicky" that maye have implied the "new" association.

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Originally posted by JDE

Aye, and check the string spacing at their nuts. It's not such a pain on a classical guitar.

Sorry, i think it was probably the way i used the word "gimmicky" that maye have implied the "new" association.



and it seems a little "gimmicky" - as in novel - on electrics, no matter how long it has been in use elsewhere. i've never seen it on the rondo site over the last few months (but I understand that it may be something they used to carry and have just restocked), but furthermore i had a hard time finding many other electrics that boasted "uniform profile" necks... really just one other mfg.


so, on electrics anyway, it seems kinda like a "new" thing to me.


i dunno, tho. like i said, i'm pretty ignorant about stuff like this.

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Originally posted by JDE

Less resonant.... in theory, but i can't tell the difference in resonation between a really skinny neck and a baseball bat, so i'm not the man to ask.



I can. I have 2 almost identical epi les pauls, and the one with the thicker neck is far more resonant. There may be other reasons for that, but I know the neck is a contributing factor, because I can feel the difference in the neck vibrating.

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Originally posted by onbongos

I can. I have 2 almost identical epi les pauls, and the one with the thicker neck is far more resonant. There may be other reasons for that, but I know the neck is a contributing factor, because I can feel the difference in the neck vibrating.



Hmmm, that's cool. I'm not sure if it's because i'm used to skinny necks, and when i do play fat necks, i'm more concerned with how uncomfortable i am, rather than the vibrations! I'll have to have a proper test at some point.

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