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Heeeelp!!! Got Reverb????


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Hey there. Anybody have any opinions on a GOOD outboard 'verb????? I gotta couple non-verb amps and I need something for them. Seem kinda scarce. I've tried some digital reverbs and have been less than impressed. Didn't like the Holy Grail or anything like that I have tried.:(


Anybody tried the Fender unit?


Anybody have any advice/opinions/ideas ???:confused: :confused: TIA!!!

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Originally posted by yabba

if you REALLY wanna spend the money, it's hard to beat the real deal vintage fender units



Too true. They're great if all you want is spring reverb, and you don't mid lugging stuff around, as they're bulky. The RI's are fairly good, too.


If you want flexibility and don't mind going "digital":

Alesis make/made a few good rack units - the Quadraverb is my personal favourite. They're not massively expenisve, either.

There a couple of cool pedals, too. I like the Digitech Digiverb. It's cheap, but sounds good to me. I think Boss RV series sound good live, but they sound a bit "pingy" when you record them. Might just be my ears, though.


The EHX Holy/Holier/Holiest Grail series are also good, but the Holy Grail isn't wildly flexible. The Holiest Grail is quite expensive, though. And complicated.

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The Fender unit is fine. Most people switch out the stock 6V6 tube for a more traditional 6K6, the more anal switch out some capacitors. But there is a volume drop with it in-line to the amp, so y0u won't be hitting your amp as hard. Used, they go from $300 or so.

If you hunt and hunt, you can find the Diaz Vibramaster, these sold for around $1600 new, but since there is little name recognition, the used units rarely earn more than $450 used (mine was $275). These are Fender outboard tube Verb, Fender Brownface tube Trem, and Magnatone tube vibrato in one unit. Plus they use the leftover preamp gain stage as a switchable boost. So you can have the traditional Fender volume drop, or a bit of a boost (but not unity gain).

The Peavey is a workhorse, it should be good and is better for dialing in a tone because it isn't handcuffed to vintage tone controls.

Just remember, outboard preamps only work in-front of a slightly overdriven amp at most, or in an effects loop (Peavey would better for that than the Fender). If you try and put it in front of a hot amp, you'll get sonic mud. For that (and for live situations in general) you are better off with a slap-back echo.

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WhiskeyB- Tried one already!! It was okay, but just not quite what I am looking for! Thanks anyway!

yabba- Funny, but I checked that out earlier on an ebay search!! Looks super nice. I will definately keep an eye on it.

JDE- A couple dudes have told me to check out the quadriverb. Looks like they can be had for cheap, too! I think I want something with tubes though. The Quad would probably be perfect for a backup though...

Vexed- Damn, those look cool! That might be right up my alley. Not as GIANT as the Fender unit (it's bigger than two of my heads!!), and tremelo would be cool. Definately going to keep an eye out for one!

Thanks for the replies...:thu:

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Nevermind- I'll try one. For some reason, I absolutely love my Danecho! I've also went through this same thing with delay's and always come back to my trusty Danechos.

Wyatt- The Diaz sounds awesome!! I'll keep my eyes open for that, too! Let me know if you come across one!

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