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This Pedal's calling me to buy it!!!


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ok, i saw it on line, checked out the website and the way the guys at boss promote this thing in their ads has got me whipping out my money like a stripper dragging me into the vip room with a pictcher of beer....


quick, start telling em this thing sucks before i try to work it into my budget...



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I bought one too based on the BOSS web site, sound bytes, etc. It is a very, very complicated beast and with the help of a forum dedicated to the GT8's I got it dialed in real good. Had about 2 weeks to play with it before my next rehersal and had some great sounding patches all ready to go. Rehearsal came, this thing sucked big time. Sounded just horrible in a live situation. I was soooooo pissed that I took it back the next day and it was worth it to me to pay the restocking fee. I just couldn't get rid of it fast enough. And forget about adjusting it on the fly. You'll have to stop and re-program. My amp all by itself sounded way better than this thing would ever be capable of so I'm glad I got rid of it. In hind sight I probably should have gone with the VOX Tone Lab SE but I am happy now with my little uncomplicated pedal board.

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i have a GT5 its enough to last me a lifetime but to me thease things were invented to sound like your going through a guitar amp while plugged directly into a mixer...that is where they do their thing and thats where they shine....most people forget that....i stick by my statement in say you cannot get a decent sound from one going directly into a guitar amp....if you want to use it with a guitar amp you have to run it through the effects loop...

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dude, the thing {censored}in ROCKS! bitch to tweak, but damn....you can go many places with it.

my setup is just this:

guitar -> gt-8 -> podxt live -> amp

i run the podxt live in the effects loop.....{censored}in KILLER. do that, and ditch all of your other pedals :cool:


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