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Cheeper tunomatic wrap-around bridges?

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Hey, I have an electric guitar which is pretty nice except that the intonation is off. The problem is that the warp around bridge is not a tunomatic, so I can't make fine adjustments.


Can someone recomend a wrap around tunomatic bridge which isn't too expensive, and comes in metric spacing?


I don't need an aluminum bridge. The pickup is a seymour duncan Phat Cat, so it's already pretty bright.

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It's an Ibanez unit called the Gibraltar Short Stop II. Don't know if it's available as a spare part.

Still, you should be able to adjust intonation on your original bridge. I assume it's the type that doesn't have movable saddles but instead you just move the whole bridge using the grub screws in the ends where the posts are.

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Originally posted by LaXu

It's an Ibanez unit called the Gibraltar Short Stop II. Don't know if it's available as a spare part.

Still, you should be able to adjust intonation on your original bridge. I assume it's the type that doesn't have movable saddles but instead you just move the whole bridge using the grub screws in the ends where the posts are.




Right. even moving the whole bridge, I can't get the intonation to be perfect, plus the string spacing isn't uniform all the time - the strings can slide around.


I should add that the guitar is a flattop.

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Originally posted by dabbler


I believe that I have a guitar with possibly this same bridge supplied OEM. It works. But I would also suggest TonePros locking posts. Mine had too much slop on the posts for my tastes.




Why is it that this one is so cheep, while this one costs so much more?

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