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Epiphone Les Paul Std - Plain Top

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I am looking all over the net for information on these things and not gettnig anywhere. Supposedly maple cap on a mahogany body. I cant even get pics of all three finishes. The honeyburst looks sweet, and it sounds like it follows the gibson LP ingredients more the the alder epiphones

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The Epiphone in my signature was a limited edition from MF, and it follows the traditional Les Paul recipe of thick maple top on a mahogany body. It's also a flametop, which IMHO is > plaintop.. I understand the quilted/flame backlash though.

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I would really like to know how thick the maple cap is. I have read that some of these epi's have a 1/32 maple slice pressed on to the back.

How do you like your epiphone classic?

This is all part of my master plan to get a nice "les paul" for under $550 with upgraded pickups and pots/switch.

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Originally posted by scott_335

I am looking all over the net for information on these things and not gettnig anywhere. Supposedly maple cap on a mahogany body. I cant even get pics of all three finishes. The honeyburst looks sweet, and it sounds like it follows the gibson LP ingredients more the the alder epiphones

There ya go:

I satisfied my need with a beautiful Japanese bargain. A full thickness slab of mahogany, with a full 3/4" cap, and all japanese electronics, swapped in some GFS Fat PAFS.....BINGO, job done:


The plain tops are nice tho. And flame is a tad dull now and quilting is:freak:
Plain is where its at:cool:



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wow, thats a beauty. Thats not an epiphone, though. Who makes it? I want to check this out. I want to do what you did, basically, but I would like to have covered pickups and I am going to move the switch and pots around.

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Originally posted by scott_335

wow, thats a beauty. Thats not an epiphone, though. Who makes it? I want to check this out. I want to do what you did, basically, but I would like to have covered pickups and I am going to move the switch and pots around.

Not available in US Scott....well they are actually, but they're called Epi Elitists. In the UK the Elitists weren't available so the chaps at one of the UKs importers went to Terada and asked them to make a guitar they could sell for people who wanted more than an alder Epi, but not a Gibson LP, and obviously not from the Tokai factory. They came called Signature, and cause they have no name only a few people have bought them. The initial price was $1320, but they can be had now for as little as $565. :D
Go for an Elitist, there were quite a few going in the US a while ago, for around $600.

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I dont think I am going to find an elitist for 600$. I played one a few years ago that was really, really nice. It felt good, and it was pretty heavy. I didnt have the 1000 bucks though so I went home without it.
Now I am trying to get something that feels similar to my 335, but a solid body, little better for hard rock. The epi with seymour duncans is the way to go. I agree with you one the plain top. They look nice without any cheesiness. Some of these pauls look like they are made of plastic.
I would like to play it before I buy it, ut I ahvent seen a plain top in a store around here. Thanks for the info. and the tantalizing pics :)

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Originally posted by ManBearPig

what's different about a flame top plain top alder and quilt? just the looks?



flame and quilt are just different cuts and hence different looks, alder is a different wood thats used in some Epis, but you never know which you get. If you need a better explanation, ask, not sure what you know?

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