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Vintage Vibe SP-90 install pics, clips


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These pickups are amazing to behold. Waxed, shielded and ready to slay....


...that is if I could actually really play....:(


I took a couple shots during the swap. I posted clips of the GFS V.A.S. set and then did the swap and recorded the SP-90's for comparison.


I'll let you decide which set you prefer. I was not unhappy with the GFS set at all....just looking for a change....:rolleyes:




SP-90 strat clip


clip = clean chords(5 positions, neck to bridge).....Dirty neck, dirty bridge....clean single note lines(5 positions, neck to bridge)

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Pretty damn cool clip that showcases their tone well. What amp?

I've got a set of those in a parts-o-caster that I realy like. They sing into a slightly cranked Deluxe Reverb, with great response to pick dynamics. Wait till you see what they do with a tube screamer.

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id-man...No amp really. It's recorded through a Matchbox pre-amp with JBL 15" speaker sim into an ART tube pre and compressor and on to my mixer with a bit of Microverb in the loop. The dirty tones come from a Blackstone 2sv2 on my pedalboard. I'm gonna try em through my little Rivera combo next....


FWAxe....all three pups are SP-90's.


Quarter...The vol and tone pots are 250k. Tone cap is .22. the middle pot is a Rothstein passive mid boost which I will be removing because these pickups do just what I was looking for without the extra circuitry.


JPOM...I paid $135 for the set, shipped. The guitar they are in is a 1985 MIJ Squier '57 style...not sure if they called them "reissues". I gave it the treatment with Warmoth guard, Callaham trem, locking Gotoh "klusons" and ivoroid knobs :D :D

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Originally posted by espgold

The guitar they are in is a 1985 MIJ Squier '57 style...not sure if they called them "reissues". I gave it the treatment with Warmoth guard, Callaham trem, locking Gotoh "klusons" and ivoroid knobs



I put a set of these in a Squier Protone Strat, and I enjoy the sh*t out of them! My tech, who rarely says anything about aftermarket hardware or electronics, went out of his way to praise these. IN fact, I had him install a set of Fender VN's in another Protone, and he remarked that I should have gotten another set of Vintage Vibes instead.

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Originally posted by jerry_picker


Doesn't that just scream, "QUALITY!"?


It's a shame to hide them behind a pickguard!


I'm seriously impressed by these. And how cool is it that you can easily adjust pole piece height on a strat pickup without worrying about ruining it?!

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