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Well i'm 15 and I decided to record this 3 songs I wrote....


Now it's nothing amazing just simple made songs that I made out of pure boredom and the notes just popped out..


I would like some opinions to know if i'm progressing...


Now this isn't the typical shred type stuff this is just soft mood stuff?


anyway all criticism will be appreciated :D









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I only had time to listen to the first one, 'Lost In The West', hopefully I'll get around to listening to the others. Anyway, here goes. You're a good player, and you've got a nice sound. I like the atmospheric effect. The only problem, I think, is that compositionally, it's a bit meandering and boring. I think something like that would work really well if maybe you shortened the whole thing up a bit and it served as an interlude to a longer song. Just an idea. I could see it seguing directly into something heavier, and it'd probably be pretty cool.

In conclusion, it sounds nice.

ps- you might get better responses in the songwriting forum

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Yeah I felt like I dragged it but that's how I usually start building things. Hopefully I will add a hell of a lot more into that thing and shorten up a bit up because I usually do things like that.

But thanks for the input :thu::D

Anymore welcome

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Number one is really interesting to me; I think it would serve as a good base for a full song, but in its current state it sounds a bit simple to stand on its own. If you added vocals and a simple drum part (in terms of instrumentation), this might be a really powerful song. Oh, and take all of the effects off of the track-I think it would sound better if you just embrace the simplicity of the pure guitar sound.

Numbers two and three do nothing for me.

Keep at it-you've obviously got some skill, and it would be nice if you developed your ideas a bit more.


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Thanks for all the inputs

I'm not that great at writing stuff like that but I get bored of just playing technical metal stuff and soloing for ages that I felt like doing something smooth or just different. So yeah I do need a little more work but i've only been playing for a year and a few months now...I started around the age of 14 and so.

I might post some of the other stuff i'm actually better at but i'll see

And thanks again :thu::D

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It's cool you aren't trying to play your ass off. There is something to be said for simplicity, it is often overlooked. It is a nice trance. Put a melody over it and have the two lines weave in and out. Add some instrumentation and you will have a wicked song. I'm not much of a songwriter, but that first one does have plenty of potential, and imo, you already did the hard part.

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Thanks i'm surprised more people like the first one than the second one ( the song Repeated ) which sounded more interesting to me.

And the first one doesn't really have many effects just a little reverb at 4 as a little touch. Oh and the wah pedal at the beginning.

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Originally posted by frozenbluth

I only had time to listen to the first one, 'Lost In The West', hopefully I'll get around to listening to the others. Anyway, here goes. You're a good player, and you've got a nice sound. I like the atmospheric effect. The only problem, I think, is that compositionally, it's a bit meandering and boring. I think something like that would work really well if maybe you shortened the whole thing up a bit and it served as an interlude to a longer song. Just an idea. I could see it seguing directly into something heavier, and it'd probably be pretty cool.



Yep, I thought for sure at the :40 second mark when it faded out it was going to come back in heavier.

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Originally posted by fastsix

Yep, I thought for sure at the :40 second mark when it faded out it was going to come back in heavier.

Ditto. It's a really cool effect and would have been a great intro to a slamming drive. As it played through I was imagining all sorts of heavier electric leads over it that would cresendo then come back to the quieter acoustic. Probably make a neat backing track.


Going to listen to the others now. (Thanks for sharing).

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the first one could end up as something quite Sir Noodles-esque dont you reckon?


the second one, i basically have the same comment as the first, not so much with it as a segue for a heavy part but more just with a lead over the top


The third one is nice, try working some backing out for it. i particularly liked the bit in the middle :thu:


they all have potential dude, just keep at it, keep practicing and experimenting with multi-tracking :)

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