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Good place to get a set up in Boston?


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I've been playing around and in school with a G&L ASAT for several months now, and a while ago I regretfully screwed with the trussrod only to add some unwanted buzzing/twang especially in upper frets. My schedule finally allows me to give up the axe for a week or so to get a setup, so does anyone have a suggestion for a good shop in the Boston area that will actually set it up well rather than a half-ass GC job? I was thinking maybe Mr. Music in Allston.

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Wurlitzers is no more. Do not go to Daddy's. They will charge 50 bucks and then not do anything. I know I am no help, but that daddys on mass ave sucks.

I would ask one of the guitar teachers at Berklee. If you find one let me know.

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Originally posted by velvet_elvis

Check out Musical instrument Service Center (MISC) across the street from Berkeley. Wolf is the man.

Their website is

agreed.....go to wolf.



but if you're wanting to come out to Allston and go to Mr. Music, come to me....i'll do it cheaper, and i can do setups quite well. i'm about a block away from Mr. Music.




and btw, it's spelled Berklee :mad:

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Originally posted by scott_335

Wurlitzers is no more. Do not go to Daddy's. They will charge 50 bucks and then not do anything. I know I am no help, but that daddys on mass ave sucks.

I would ask one of the guitar teachers at Berklee. If you find one let me know.


i do my own setups and i've had teachers and a number of friends refer people to me. i'm also friends with wolf in the service center, he's been instructing me in some stuff, as far as repairs/mods/setups go, and i sometimes try to help relieve him some when he's overloaded with work, as he has a tendency to be very backed up during the school year.

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