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GFS Lil Punchers


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Originally posted by mcdee

Just some feedback on any lil puncher users. What set or what pick up you use. Your likes and dislikes.

Thanks McDEE



This is the Tele one, right? I didn't like it. I found it kind of muddy, useless for clean tones, and kind of ugly. Also, you're string balance will be kind of messed up unless you change your action accordingly; the two E's in particular will sound quieter due to the rounded ends of the blades. If you have a rounder fretboard, this probably won't be much of a problem. But if your fretboard is flatter than perhaps a 12" radius, it's going to sound unbalanced.


The biggest problem is that it doesn't sound like a Tele pickup. However, if you're looking for pickups that don't sound Tele like and want more of a darker, fat humbucker tone, they might suit you.

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Originally posted by Cast_Aside

well THATS discouraging..im planning on putting a HOT one in my tele once i get it.

any of you guys wanna sell yours if its a bridge position?



I returned mine. I tried selling it, but no one would buy it even at like $15. That's how bad it is. It's nothing like a Barden that it claims to be. I'd say it's a cheap ripoff of a Hotrails.

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Originally posted by strat_predator

I returned mine. I tried selling it, but no one would buy it even at like $15. That's how bad it is. It's nothing like a Barden that it claims to be. I'd say it's a cheap ripoff of a Hotrails.



did you have the HOT overwound?im thinking twice now. Im looking at some rio grandes and the sd quarter pounder.

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Originally posted by Cast_Aside

did you have the HOT overwound?im thinking twice now. Im looking at some rio grandes and the sd quarter pounder.



I can't remember exactly. I believe it was the middle one (they have vintage, vintage-hot, and hot...or something like that). These are entirely different animals from stuff at Rio Grande or a SD Quarter Pounder. If you want a single coil, get one a RG or SD QP. If you want a single sized humbucker, the GFS might be more to your liking.


Honestly though, I'd want a single coil Tele bridge pickup in my Tele. Otherwise, why get a Tele?


If you're just looking for something hot and cheap, get one of those GFS 60's Tele bridge pickups.


This guy is/was selling one for $20. Give him an email.



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I'll have to dissent here. I have a lil hot puncher in the bridge of my frankentele, and I like it a lot. With push-pull volume and tone pots, I can split the coils, and select the front or back coil - it gives me a huge number of options. I agree that the tone (even when split) is not your classic tele twant, but c'mon - if that's what you want, you wouldn't be looking at a rail pickup anyway!

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