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Pickups you use and music you play


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I mainly play punk in bands, but at home I play blues, surf, garage rock and some pyschobilly. My favorite pickups are really {censored}ty ceramic Affinity Strat pickups. They sound great to me, versatille, articulate, bright and snappy with a lot of pop to them. Too bad I won't play a strat in public.

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Surf, classic rock, spaghetti westerns, light rock, oldies.


My main go-to pickups are Jazzmaster pickups (Fender or vintage Seymour Duncans).


Like Jag pickups too (Fenders again)


I also have a liking for Gibson P-90s and some of the old style true-to-vintage Strat offerings.


I also use a Gibson PAF covered humbucker from time to time for warmer tones.

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I play metal, mostly thrash and some melodic death metal. I dabble in grind occasionally too.



Dimarzio Tone Zone (Floyd Rose guitars)

Gibson 500T in my Explorer (thrash tones out the ass!)

Duncan Custom in my Les Paul (great for everything)

Duncan JB (in my Strat, I don't like it)



Gibson 490R (Les Paul goodness)

Gibson 496R (harsher than the 490R but still very nice)


For bridge pickups I favor Dimarzio but the Duncan Custom is staying in my Les Paul. Duncan's best in my opinion. The JB is getting canned for the Tone Zone ASAP.:mad:


I really like Gibson's neck humbuckers. No complaints.

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My personnal music career:

Shred metal, instrumental rock


My band:

AOR, Pop, slightly Emo



EMG-81 in Les Paul

Dimarzio Tone-Zone in Ibanez PGM

EMG-85 in ESP M-II



EMG-85 in Les Paul

Dimarzio Air Norton in Ibanez PGM

EMG-60 in ESP M-II


Overall, the EMGs are sweet for everything you want to do. They really let the guitar's tone shine through IMO, they provide sufficient output for any situation, they emphasize the picking dynamics and don't compress easily, they BARK when pushed hard, they isolate you from the AC ground, they cut through the mix, they are fat sounding and they record incredibly well. What more can you ask for ? :)

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I play rock, not death-doom-infant-raping-I hate my dad metal, but I like good tone and gain.

On my Ibanez 2630 (70s 335 copy) I have Duncan Customs in the neck and bridge.... love them, they sound huge!

On my LP, I have the stock 490 498 combo, soon to be changed to SD 59s. They're a little bright compared to my Ibanez.

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I'm a rock or punk man, usually. Rock is a bit of a catch all term. Pretty hard stuff to pretty soft stuff, most of it old-school. And punk is old-school as well, Stooges, Sex Pistols, that area.


I use P90s and Dearmond 2000s (Dynasonics)

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I play classic rock, blues, metal, surf, country, funk, and jazz. In other words, a little bit of everything...:o


Here's a list of what pickups are in my guitars:


1997 Fender MIA Big Apple Strat - converted to SSS configuration and currently equipped with Fender Fat '50's


MIM Classic Series '50's Strat - Duncan Lipstick Tubes


Warmoth Strat - Kent Armstrong Vintage 12 N in neck, Tweedtone in middle, and Hot Tele in bridge


Frankentele - Kent Armstrong Hot Tele Set wired with 4 way switch


Nelsonic Atomic Series LP copy - PRS McCarty pickups


Eleca Gold top LP Copy - Dimarzio EJ Customs


OLP MM1 - Carvin C22N/C22B set


Ibanez Artcore AM73T - Kent Armstrong P-90 HB retrofits - hot wound


Hamer Vector - Custom Shop Parts Open Face PAF style pickups


Samick Royale RL4 - Kent Armstrong Kentron in neck and Vintage 12 N in bridge


Fender Coronado II - stock pickups


Danelectro DC3 - stock pickups

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Originally posted by pariah223

I was looking around at pickups, and thought it would be cool to see what kinda different pickps people prefer for different kinds of music. Lets hear what you all use.

Im a metal player and i love the EMG-81 pickups.


I play Black and death metal with stock Gibson 490R and 498T pickups. :thu: Which is actually the same as Gorgoroth with their Gibson Les Paul Customs. :D

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I play all types of music from classic jazz, country, blues, pop, to rock...no shred here however. (There are enough talented shredders around without me making a fool of myself!)


I have a Cloud9 R9 LP, CS336, CS356, and Duesenberg Ron Wood Ltd. All the guitars are dead stock and sound fine as they are. I use Diezel amps which IMHO, make all the difference when changing styles of music.

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I play lots of styles, mostly rock (classic, hard whatever) as well as blues, funk, reggae and old school metal (Ozzy, Maiden etc.).


For pickups I've got Seymour Duncans mostly, but not by choice - they just happened to be the stock pickups in the guitars. Other than that I've got some no-name humbuckers and single coils and Mastertone active humbuckers in one guitar. I don't really care what the pickups are as long as they sound good.

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