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what's wrong with my tele?


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Looking for any suggestions here. Problem is that I get very little sound out of my high e string when amplified. Sounds like all the others when playing without the amp.


It does this on either or both pickups. It does it whether the string is open or fretted.


I can get it louder by striking it really hard, but the difference between even the B and the high E is really dramatic. It doesn't just taper off as I go down the strings, but the first five sound fine and the high e is almost not there.


Anyone ever come across this problem?



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I was hoping to avoid a trip to the tech. I thought someone had maybe seen a similar problem. It has to be pickup or wiring related because the string sounds fine acoustically.


I'm just not sure where to begin.

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Originally posted by chiro972

I was hoping to avoid a trip to the tech. I thought someone had maybe seen a similar problem. It has to be pickup or wiring related because the string sounds fine acoustically.

I'm just not sure where to begin.



I doubt it's the pickups because you said this is occuring with either or both pups. What are the chances that two pups would have the exact same problem? I doubt it is wiring, because it would seem that it would affect all of the strings not just one.


It could be the nut or bridge, and yet still sound good acoustically. Maybe it is the string? It could be a dead, twisted or just a bad string. Try a new set of strings. I changed strings once on a classical guitar, and the guitar never sounded as alive as the original strings. Like they were dead or lifeless.

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