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Weird PT LE latency problem - please help!

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Hey everybody. I'm doing my first set of projects on my new iMac with a Digi002 rack. I've previously used ProTools LE on my old Powerbook with no issues.


I'm mixing one of my first projects ( a bluegrass band ) and I'm noticing something really weird. I recorded it all in low-latency monitoring mode, and I started mixing in that mode. When I went to bounce the first mix, I turned of low-latency monitoring because I was using an insert to send the drums to an external compressor. The weird thing is, when I turn off low latency monitoring several of the tracks are no longer in sync with each other - at bounce, or when I just play them back in ProTools! Why would this be? They're just off enough to really sound screwy. I never experienced this on my old rig.

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