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Rondo Price Increase


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I will say that Kurt has been excellent about returning e-mails.
he didn't hesitate to tell me to send anything back I had a problem with. There is no doubt he's an honest buisnessman and deserves all sucsses.
I'm an ass hole that way ( I didn't pester him with e-mails) I don't like to deal with returning stuff so I just live with it and buy something else. I never sell guitars I woudn't own myself so I have quite a collection of unloved guitars.
I also have plenty of winners. My best luck brands are:
Fender MIM, MIA and the Koeran Tele Ltd deluxe.
Gibson Three Les Pauls that are great,
Ovation (I have two Solid Body Electrics from the early eighties that are among my favorites).
Epiphone ( I have a Les Paul Standard Koeran with burst buckers and Deluxe Klusen tuners and is probably my best Les Paul of the lot).
I do have an Agile 3000M Prestige that is stunning to look at and the pickups are quite good but I now have it at a high end luthier to get the fret issues straightened out.... I'm hopefull 'cause I'd really like to fall in love with that guitar.

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