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Breed vs. Super Distortion pup for HH mahogony Ibanez


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Hey folks,


I've had my RG Ibanez Prestige back for about a week with replacement pickups, putting the Dimarzio PAF Pro in the neck and the Super Distortion in the bridge. Both are MUCH better than the stock Ibanez pups!!


So I'm very impressed with the PAF Pro on the neck. Both the regular and the parallel setting off of this humbucker sound very sweet, esp. clean with a little reverb and snap-back delay going :thu:


As for the Super Distortion, it's good, but I'm not as impressed as I expected to be. Combined with the PAF Pro on a couple of settings, it's great. But on it's own, it's good, but not great.


I know I keep reading about how classic the chuggy-chuggy mids are off the SD. But I'm surprised at how, um, .. jangly... I don't know, the SD sounds at middle output into a clean amp. Its sounds great into my OD pedals and my overdriven Nano. But I had higher hopes.


How about the Breed? Long time ago I checked out a JEM with the Breed pup, and it was one of the few pickups I've played that called attention to itself as really cool sounding.


Your thoughts?


-- Joe


P.S. BTW, as far as overdrive / distortion goes, at least for pedals, I get more excited about rounder, tubey, OD sounds than gritty, raspy distortion sounds.

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BTW, the RGA121 is mahogony + maple top. The maple top is pretty thick, esp. near the top of guitar,.... probably thicker as a proportion of the overall body than most maple top / mahogony guitar. That probably makes some frequencies crisper that you might expect.

-- Joe

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I have the same guitar and have a PAF Pro in the neck and the Fred in the bridge. I considered the SD but took the advice from many other Ibanez owners and went with the Fred/PAF Pro combo...great for many styles and has a great "round" and fat warm tone.:thu:

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So you guys are saying Breed neck AND Breed bridge, huh?

I'll really have to think that one over. Like I said, the PAF Pro sounds pretty good to me.

My thinking had been to have a great clean pickup and a rip-roaring, growling tubey overdrive pickup, with cool tones combined in between.

Among other things, I like playing some clean, almost acoustic-like stuff with my neck pup, and also some blues lead jammin'. Will the Breed neck do that well?

Thanks again,
-- Joe

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When Dimarzio.com had their sound clips posted for there high output humbuckers, the ones I found to sound the best from comparison is: Breed, Fred, evolution, super distortion, humbucker from hell. The sound clips made these pups sound like pure tone bliss. I am going to give the breed a try when I get my next HH axe.

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Originally posted by Chucksoup

When Dimarzio.com had their sound clips posted for there high output humbuckers, the ones I found to sound the best from comparison is: Breed, Fred, evolution, super distortion, humbucker from hell. The sound clips made these pups sound like pure tone bliss. I am going to give the breed a try when I get my next HH axe.



Yeah, I couldn't find any sound clips for the pups I'm interested in on dimarzio.com . I wonder why they don't have them.. any other web site have audio for the Breed?


-- Joe

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I have a RG3120 Prestige which a mahognay body/maple top RG with a Floyd. This guitar came with the PAF Pro in the neck and a Tone Zone in the bridge.

The Tone Zone is a good pickup. Many people say it is too dark in a mahogany guitar but I don't think so. Amazing THICK lead tone and very full sounding chords. Not good for technical chugging riffs on the low strings though, it loses definition. But depening on what you are playing it could work really well. I play mostly lead and hard rock with that guitar so it's great!

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I also own the RGA121 and was thinking of my trusted Air Norton (Neck) and Steve's Special (Bridge). Do you guys think that would be good for the mahogany/maple? Would the large dose of maple make the SS too bright?

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