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The User Reviews are worthless


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In this age where people are so used to making blind purchases on ebay or from forumites or MF or wherever,without having first tried out or checked something before going ahead and buying it,Im guessing you might be used to buying something only to be disappointed.

A lot of us,however make the effort to check something out before deciding to buy it. Why would I buy something if I know its a piece of crap, and then go and whine about it being a piece of crap online?

Buy smart and you will save yourself disappointment. Usually.

Why does one deliberately go out seeking negative reviews of something,and then dismissing the postive ones as worthless?

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Originally posted by fanuvbrak

I have yet to read a negative review in the User Review section. I think the problem is that these people have just bought the gear they're reviewing, so who's going to say, "I just spent $400 on a piece of {censored}"? Nobody, that's who.

So with that said, anybody ever play an Epiphone Dot Studio? For some reason, that matte finish is cool to me.




I played 3 Epi Dot Studios a month or so ago. They all looked good from 10 feet away, but each one had problems.


A satin brown one had an off-center truss rod cover (the screw was about 1/8" to the left) and blotchy, mis-matched stain at the neck joint, a satin red one had something wrong with the wiring (the bridge pickup didn't work) and another one had runs in the paint (it was black - so it was easy to spot) and the neck joint was off center (the high E string was almost off the fretboard).


I realize that, for the price, you shouldn't expect the quality to match that of a Gibson 335 - but these defects were enough for me to just put them back in the rack and walk away.

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Originally posted by Frets99

I bought one... It was a POS...

Just kidding! I've heard good things but I was never impressed playing them. Personally I thought the Oscar Scmidt OE30 played and sounded better.


bmm bmm chii!

bmm bmm chii!

OE OE 30 chii!

OE OE 30 chii!

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Originally posted by septopus

I've tried liking the Dot Studio, mainly because of the price, I even picked one up at GC last year for $199, but returned it a few days later. They're not very impressive, especially when Ibanez Artcores are in the same price range.



Amen to that. I can forgive a cheap guitar a lot of things, but it has to stay in tune and it has to be intonable (is that a word?). I am on day two with this thing. I have stretched the strings (I'm afraid to change them out...will that void my returnability?) and it simply will not stay in tune. And the G string is badly out of intonation, yet the saddle is already adjusted all the way back. I can't correct it.


So, tomorrow I will return it and tomorrow I will write a bad review of it.


I hope somebody can learn from it...

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I've found the user reviews invaluable - that is, when I've read enough of them.

Unfortunately, I hadn't found them when I got sucked in (NEWBIE++++) to buying online *sigh* my Epi Special II starter pack *insert howls of derisive laughter here* I read a few reviews, basically saying how indestructible they are, and for a first electric, I thought that would be good.

Low on cash, it needed to be solid initially, I understood pickups and electrics were a problem, yep yep, not good enough to notice that yet I thought... fair enough for the price.

Had I read more, I would have found that the QC was a major issue, It's going to cost more than it's worth to make it reasonable.

On the other hand, I decided on a 2nd hand *slightly better* budget guitar to keep on with since the Special II is such a dog, and turn the Special II into a franken geet for me to learn tinkering on. So, after reading numerous user reviews, have bought a 2nd hand SG G400 Epi, should have done that in the first place!!

Wading through them can be a chore, when the ratings may not reflect your own opinion of the comments made, but they are useful in my opinion anyhow...

Cheers :D



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How many have bought Rondo or Behringer stuff after reading

glowing reviews?


(Raises hand);)


I actually must have got lucky; I have a GG1 STD (not bad)

GG2 explorer, (not bad) A Behringer UB802 mixer (works fine)

Behringer Vintage tube OD TO-800 (I like it) , EQ-7 (I like)

and a V-tone 2x12. (For a SS, I get some good sound)


Obviously, I was on a budget at the time, but I found all of

these cheapo items useful.

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Originally posted by fanuvbrak

Amen to that. I can forgive a cheap guitar a lot of things, but it has to stay in tune and it has to be intonable (is that a word?). I am on day two with this thing. I have stretched the strings (I'm afraid to change them out...will that void my returnability?) and it simply will not stay in tune. And the G string is badly out of intonation, yet the saddle is already adjusted all the way back. I can't correct it.

So, tomorrow I will return it and tomorrow I will write a bad review of it.

I hope somebody can learn from it...



Changing strings won't make any difference as far as returnability, but I don't think you'll be happy with it either way, so save the $4.

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