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so i am thinking of selling some stuff to buy


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one guitar.


my budget is around $600cad to $800cad? that is if i get enough money from my fender precision bass, fender rumble amp, and possibly all the accessories i dont use. i'll probably throw in my guitar amps if i don't use it.


i like to simplify my rig.


anyways, using a mesa mark iib. i was thinking of a gibson/epiphone sg. no fender strats....not really a huge fan of those and my other guitarist uses one.


i use both cleans and distortion, but i like noodling around with gain. something full, thick, crunchy, and aggressive good for distortion. not muddy or loose.


any ideas? :)

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$799 @ MF

I have this guitar and I think it has a good balance of clean and dirty. The pickups sound pretty hot but not muddy to my ears. Distortion is pretty smooth and crunchy. I would also recommend the SG classic or standard if you want something with a bit more snarl to it. I think you could find a used standard for around $800-$900 in good shape.
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cool guitars guys.

well i currently have an esp ltd ec-50. i'll probably be keeping it as a backup, and if that's the case, i don't think i should get something really similar.

if i sell this one as well, then i can increase my budget and go for something versatile, but it's good to have a back up.

reverend guitars? how are they?

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